

Book Review - Howl Sage

Today we're reviewing a children's book titled HowlSage by Brock Eastman. You may remember him, we met him a few weeks ago when we reviewed another of his books: AIO's Showdown with a Shepherd. 
In this book 14 year old Taylor and his team of sage hunters search for a werewolf like creature known as the HowlSage, in hopes of finding it before it reaches full maturity on October 31st. What the hunters quickly realize is that the finding the HowlSage is just the tip of the ice burg.
Mom says: I generally don't go for monster books so I wasn't really expect much from this book. I was pleasantly surprised by the engaging and fast paced plot line. This is a classic monster hunt story with an interesting faith based twist. Hunting demons while seeking God's guidance. Fantastic. Exciting, but not scary. I loved it.
Alex (9 years old) says:  It was fast paced. I thought the beginning of the book was a little confusing because I didn't know exactly what was going on, but the more I read, the more I understood. This book is not as scary as it looks based on the cover. I thought it was a good book.

Please Note: We received this book for review purposes. As always, our opinions are 100% our own

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting! I am glad you enjoyed it and I like your take. Mom: "This is a classic monster hunt story with an interesting faith based twist. Hunting demons while seeking God's guidance." Awesome. And a key for mom's who aren't sure, Alex: "This book is not as scary as it looks based on the cover." Thanks guys for reading this!


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