

Day 31: Jesus loves a party animal.

So I've been reading a book about long term fasting titled A Place at the Table 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor, and in the book it discusses the concept of a weekly feast. As in, putting the fast aside for a full day to eat, drink and be merry and all that good stuff.

A whole day? Eat whatever I want? That's totally cheating. and so completely wrong in every way possible. While I do love the idea of a solid Jesus lovin' party, I'm much happier pretending that cereal, jelly and dried fruit no longer exist.

So what does my feast look like? Each week I've had 1 meal in a restaurant (ok this week I ate out twice - don't judge). During my special eating out session I can eat whatever I want with a glass of soda. No quizzing the waitress about ingredients, just sort of assuming that every item on the menu probably has sugar lurking in there somewhere. And since there's not much I can do about the food, I might as well just go for the pepsi while I'm at it. But for the sake of integrity I draw the line at deserts and after dinner mints.

I'm such a rebel. I know.

Also (I wish I would have figured this out sooner) but feast days are designed not only to allow you to celebrate the abundant food choices God has provided, but also to remind you to enjoy everything else that God has provided. It's making a special effort to enjoy family, friends, love and laughter, and all things fun in general. It's about taking the kids to the park just for fun, or calling one of my amigos on the phone for no real reason at all.

This week my something fun was a date with my poor neglected camera. I don't want to talk about how long it's been since I picked it up. But here you go, a feast for your eyes to celebrate my feast

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