

10 things about Alex

In honor of Alex's 10th birthday I thought I'd write a little top ten list in his honor...

1. He puts up with an insane amount of crap from his little brother. I'm not quite sure how he tolerates it as well as he does, but we are all so entirely grateful that he takes everything in stride as well as he does.

2. He started rolling his eyes at me this year. Which I love. It's like a rite of passage for moms. You know that you've finally earned your stripes as a parent when your child rolls his eyes at you.

3. I love listening to the odd things he prays. He's consistantly thankful for the strangest things. Like that we don't live in Siberia. I imagine God enjoys hearing all the goofy things that little boys pray for.

4. I love the goofy goggle tan that he's got going on this summer. It makes me chuckle.

5. I love that the list of stuff that he wanted for his birthday wasn't a list of gifts he wanted to receive, but a list of fun things he wanted to do with friends and family.

6. I love that he didn't freak out when I didn't get his birthday blog post posted until he'd been 10 for nearly an entire week. Sorry dude.

7. Sometimes when he thinks no one is looking, he puts his arm around my waist or grabs my hand. But don't tell anyone or next time he's going to yank my arm off.

8. I love how fascinated he is with design, and how he uses inspiration from his every day environment to come up with fantastic design projects.

9. Little man has been waiting 10 years for his first street ride with is dad on the Harley. Where did they go for such a momentus ride? To the movie theatre to see the Avengers.

10. Mostly I just love him for who he is, and who he's becoming.

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