

Max meets the pumpkin patch. A love story. With bunnies.

I've sort of gotten away from posting about every day adventures in our house, perhaps they were just a little too ordinary to put forth the extra effort when I had a household to run with a screaming 8 year old on my hip.

But this ordinary little excursion was not so ordinary for us. This was the pumpkin patch. The. Pumpkin. Patch. Y'all. A seasonal favorite in our house over the last few years for sure, but that was all before my pumpkin obsessed son joined our family.

Little Max has been so completely obsessed with our tiny back yard pumpkin patch this year that I've been counting the days until we could take him to a real pumpkin farm since, um, June.

So you know what happens when you have take a completely pumpkin obsessed kiddo to a freaking huge patch right? He takes one look at the massive pumpkin displays and heads right towards the bunny barn. Where he parks himself for the entire duration of the stay. Of course.

So here are a few shots of my goofy gang. 
 Before he found the bunny barn
My part time kiddo loves the patch too

The cute bunny. Who wouldn't blame little dude for parking in bunny land.

And another one of my not so photo-genic dude "sleeping" by the most histerical pumpkin I've ever seen. I say it looks like a giant mouth. My 10 year old son? He says it looks like someone's tushie. Ahem. Either way it was too darned funny not to park himself next to for a quick nap.

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