

Celebrating you part 2

So yesterday we took a moment to celebrate sweet Annie, today it's Louisa's turn.

girls 9 year (26)
I love that both she and her sister wanted to turn their unused topbunk into a reading nook, which I can now not get them to come out of. Yes, I'm unabashedly jealous.

 I love that the reason their topbunk is unused is because they still want to share the twin bed underneith.

 I love that she thinks a courduroy dress and flannel pajama pants makes the perfect outfit to wear out on the town. No, I don't try to correct her either.

 I never imagined raising twins could be such a phenomenal experience. I never thought that they would compliment each other so well, and bring the perfect balance to the insane task of raising boys. I don't know what I would do without them, they're my heroes, my lifeline to sanity and my breath of fresh air.

girls 9 year (15)
They're my girls, and you can't have them. 

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