

Your child photographer

Y'all know I like my camera right? And y'all know I'm also a little fanatical about creatively empowered children right? Well these two crazy little passions bonked heads over a little article I wrote for one of my favorite family online magazines. Check it.

These days it’s fairly common to see youngsters carrying around a camera. Technology has made it both simple and affordable for our youngsters to record and share their memories. Sadly, most of the photos our kids take are less than stellar. More often than not they’re off kilter, out of focus and poorly composed. But do they have to be? The memories our children are making are so valuable that they’re worth investing a little time and elbow grease to improve. There are a handful of quick tips and tricks to help our kids improve their ability to show us the images they want us to see.
Let go of the “hey, cool snap!” mentality
The problem with most child photographers is that they generally don’t put a ton of thought into what they are photographing. My own children are guilty of running up to something of interest and snapping off a quick shot before they’re off to the next object of interest. The problem with this drive by shooting philosophy is fairly evident when you stop to look at the photos, many times you can’t even tell why the photo was taken. The best way to remedy this problem is to get your child photographer to slow down and be more intentional about the subject of their photos.

Read the rest .here... 

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