

Family service project ideas

Hi friends!
There was so much to tell you about this summer project that Adventures in Odyssey has planned that I thought I'd break it up a bit and give you time to process each fantastic little nugget of possibility.
So last week we talked a bit about the scope of the project, today I'm going to share some more resources that they have available to help you as you serve your community. I particularly enjoyed this list of service ideas:

May 20: Serve Your Community- Go to a local park and pick up the trash or volunteer to plant flowers.

May 27:  Serve Your World- Take a field trip to a place that recognizes fallen soldiers.  Learn about the importance of the place and time of history.  Pray for our current military and their families serving around the world.

June 2- Serve As A Family- Host a garage sale at your house and then donate the money to a good cause.

June 9- Serve Your Family-- Wash your dad's car as part of his Father's Day present!

June 16- Serve Your Community-- Make some simple cards and deliver them to a local nursing home. Most folks would love a visit!

June 23- Serve Your World--Send a care package to a missionary serving in the world.

June 30-- Serve As a Family- Host an ice cream party or BBQ for your neighborhood.

View the complete list here!
They also have a free audio presentation of the AIO Service episode called the Business of Busyness that you can only find here.

So who's in!

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this on another blog. That is so cool.


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