

Please, don't please me

How many of us are people pleasers? I know I’m guilty. I get a little kick out of imagining someone’s kind reaction to something I’ve created. And when I get that kind reaction I tend to replay it in my head time and again until I need a fresh hit of acceptance. I imagine everyone can relate to some extent. At least I hope you can. Please say I’m not crazy.

And in some backwards sort of way, I figure someone, somewhere has probably tried to please me. Which I find extremely odd. Almost disturbing in a way. Mostly because I was probably so way out in la-la land that I never even made that connection. In much the same way the people I attempt to please probably have no idea that I’ve made an effort to please them with my day to day activities.
So what do we do with this bit of information. The fact that we spin our wheels to impress slackers who don’t even notice our efforts half the time anyway. I’d like to propose two suggestions:
1. If you are the pleaser – stop. Recognize what you are doing. Remember that you belong to a race of slackers who generally don’t care about your efforts nearly as much as you think they do. Shift the brunt of your energy towards impressing your creator.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
(1 Cor 15:58)

I need to tattoo that one to the backs of my hands so I can read it while I’m working. Right. There’s more.
2. If you are the one others are attempting to please, be more intentional about recognize their efforts. Whether it’s your kids, your co-workers, or the man at the gas station. Recognize that the simple exchanges you have with these people could very well be their best efforts to please you. If appropriate, help them recognize their misguided efforts and redirect their energies towards their Creator, who is a much more appropriate audience. He’ll never miss their efforts because He’s off in la-la land.
I love that.

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