

guest post: Beautifully Mundane

Over the next few weeks we have a handful of guest posters who have stepped up to the plate to share their thoughts on finding God in the mundane moments of life. Today I'm so thrilled to share a few words from Richele McFarlin. Enjoy!

My eyes were trained to see blessings which threaten to go unnoticed.  The training came through trials.  Until I experienced trials the beauty in the mundane laid buried under the day to day operations of life.  I would praise God when money fell into my lap and I never failed to cry out to God when trial struck.  I failed to understand the mundane revealed the constant support of a God who is active in my life. 

The last two years of my life taught me to be thankful for simple things.  I learned ordinary days were a gift from an extraordinary God.  Paid bills, food at the dinner table, overflowing laundry, and dishes that needed to be washed were proof God blessed my family daily.  Watching my children play outside as their shadows danced in the sun reflected God's love.  Children who stammered for attention or cried when things didn't go their way reminded me of how I must look to God when I trust myself and not Him.  Remembering not to yell at frustrating little blessings reminded me of God graciously giving me mercy and love.  Forgetting not to yell reminded me of God's forgiveness.  Flowers on a walk provided a glimpse of Heaven's beauty.  The giraffe at the zoo was evidence God's creativity.  My husband coming home tired and ready for dinner revealed God's provision.  Narrowly escaping a car accident proved God's mercy. 

God surrounds. 

He sustains.  

He is constant. 

God's power is not lost on the ordinary. 

I came to this beautiful revelation after enduring a difficult few years.  Oppressive financial trial weighed heavily on my marriage.  My mother's cancer spread to her brain and she died shortly afterward.  As soon as I thought I couldn't take another blow I would get hit harder.  My escape was to settle into normalcy.  I appreciated simple things that may even sound silly if admitted.  Yet, it was in those moments that God showed His power.  He proved to be a constant that provided hope for another day. 

Day to day life continues to move forward giving no thought to the impact on your heart.  It drags you along causing you to make the choice to lose sight or gain vision.  You must choose to fall into the safety net that holds each fragile day together; the mundane.  There are times we ask "where is God?"  We wonder why He stays silent when we call out. Look around and hear His promises in chirping birds, laughing children, and encouragement from a friend.  God is never silent.  The rest between trials and victories is beautifully mundane. 

Richele is the author of Under the Golden Apple Tree and founder of Moms of Dyslexics. You can also find her giving Photoshop a work out as the co-owner of Crisp Apple Design and Consulting. Her passion is Christ and using her writing to glorify Him and encourage other moms.


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