But that sense of elation only lasted a short while before
reality crashed back in. Not so much that I was unhappy about staying in our
house, but more like feeling that God promised me one thing and delivered
something else.
And here I am, staring down a gigantic chasm. A chasm spanning
the gap between my God honoring expectation, and the reality of my life
So what then? What happens when you go out a limb and dare
to believe that God has made you a specific promise, and you pray circles
around that promise, attacking it from each side, just so you make sure that
you really understand all the ramifications that come with it. And it’s not all
some fantastic daydream that your entitled suburban heart just wants to
And it isn’t indigestion either.
What happens when you’re embarrassed when your friends ask
about it, and praying about it is too hard. So you just pretend that you’re
still elated. But really you’re confused, and tempted to think that God is the
world’s biggest scam artist.
This isn’t the place where you throw some well worn cliché
like everything happens for a reason.
Because that’s just dumb. And it doesn’t fix anything.
This is the place where you make a decision.
Is my faith strong
enough to get through this little quandary, or is this God thing some sort of
elaborate joke.
I think God drops these circumstances on us just to see what we'll do. To see
if we really mean it when we say we're in this relationship, no matter what.
And even if we never get
what we originally wanted, will we still love Him anyway.
I don’t know what is in store for our family in the future. I don’t know if
we’ll decide to pursue a new house in the spring, or hold off for another year
or two.
does matter is that I’ve breached the expectation gap with my faith intact. And
if I’ve done it once I can do it twice. I can continue to ask for things and
know that the world isn’t ending when I don’t get them.
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