

Book Review - Secret of the Prince's Tomb

Last year we were so stinking lucky to receive the first six books in Adventure in Odyssey's Imagination Station series. We were rather sad when we got to the end of them. So you can imagine how thrilled we were a few weeks ago when the publishing company offered to help us catch up on the series by sending us the 3 books that have come out this year.

The first book we read, was The Secret of the Prince's Tomb. In the story Patrick and Beth travel back in time through Mr. Whittaker's Imagination Station to visit Ancient Egypt. After making friends with a young girl named Tabitha it becomes evident that her people are headed for a troubled future full of slavery and corrupt leadership. The cousins quickly realize that the best way they can help these troubled people is by reminding them of their rich history and give them a hope for the future.

Mom says: Can I tell you how much I love the fact that they wrote an entire story about ancient Egypt without rehashing the overdone pyramids and pharoh bit? Love, love, love the fact that they went for a less obvious route and knocked it out of the park.

Annie (8 years old) says: I didn't like it as much as I liked the others I'd read before but did like the part where Tabitha hid in the pot. The prince was funny too. Overall I thought it was pretty good.

Louisa (8 years old) says: I like all of the books in the series. I especially like the part in this book where they trick to guard in the pyramid. The end was really funny. I liked the illustrations too.

Here's what we thought about the other books in this series... 

Please Note: We received this book for review purposes. As always, our opinions are 100% our own

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