
Alex’s new room~

So I’ve lived in this house for 2 ½ years, and have yet to take on a major home renovating project. Jory isn’t a do-it-yourselfer, so he just looks at me funny when I mention changing something with our house.
Enter my mother. I must have gotten the do-it-yourselfer gene from her. She called me on Tuesday and asks if I want to paint alex’s room. So she brings me paint samples, and gets the ball rolling.
When we started, Alex’s room was red, (not a bad red, just really intimidating in his little room) all his toys were in a big bucket in the middle of the room, and his closet was a mess (see yesterday’s post). Now his room is half red, half blue, (with a cute star border that I made with my own little star stamp – I was rather proud of it), a newly organized closet, a new furniture arrangement and way better under the bed storage (still working on that, but we have a plan!). So here’s Alex’s cute new room as of last night.
Here’s part of Alex’s room, this is the corner where his bed used to be, it’s now the toy center/changing table area (until he’s completely potty trained that is) It’ll give you a pretty good feel for his new paint job, though
Too bad Grandma has to go back to work, the girls room is a mess too…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is really cute Elissa!


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