
You know you're a good mom when

My Alex recently decided to give me my very first performance review. As in how my ratings are with the 8 year old demographic.
Since I scored in the 90th percentile I feel qualified to give you some hints about how you too can score so high in your reviews.
Step 1: Let you kids eat candy for breakfast (true story! The girls were away spending the night at Grandma's and I let him try some of the taffy that Grandma brought back from the beach for his breakfast). Mother of the year. I know. But hey it helped my ratings so don't judge me.
Step 2: Let him play video games (ok, it was bejeweled blitz on facebook and every point he earns goes to my overall total - so I was really the winner in this scenario)
Step 3: When girls get back from Grandma's, feel guilty that the boy hasn't had any quality time with her, so send them off together to the lake house for the afternoon.

That my friends is how you score so high on your performance reviews. If you should be in the position to be evaluated that is.
We won't talk about the two girls who cried and moaned for a good hour after Alex left with Grandma, because Alex got a "better" treat than they did.
I fear my performance levels for their demographic would not have been so high.

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