

Book Review - Revenge of the Red Knight

This week we are doing a review of the AOI The Imagination Station series. Yesterday we reviewed the second book: Palace in Peril. Today we're on to book # 4, Revenge of the Red Knight.
In the story Patrick and Beth travel back in time through Mr. Whittaker's Imagination Station to visit the middle ages. This book picked up right where the last book left off, in the middle of a quest to help rescue Albert from a heap of trouble. 

Mom says:
Another great addition to the series that we are very hooked on. We met a fantastic antagonist in this book that my kids loved to hate.

Alex (9 years old) says: It was a little mysterious when the Imagination Station took them to another time instead of taking them back to Mr. Whittaker. And just so you know, they met a knight named Sir Andrew.

Annie (7 years old) says: The part with the cave was a little scary. Hugh (the antagonist) was really mean to Sir Andrew. The part with two treasures was kind of weird.

Louisa (7 years old) says: I think Hugh is kinda mean. I liked that we met the mysterious knight from the last books.

If you'd like to hear what we thought of the other books in this series, you can read our past reviews here:

Book 1: Voyage with the Vikings
Book 2: Attack at the Arena
Book 3: Peril in the Palace

Please Note: We received this book for review purposes. As always, our opinions are 100% our own

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