
Random life update

Lately Annie has taken to making my bed in the morning. When I’m doing my morning “get ready for the day” routine, she’ll come and close the bathroom door and tell me not to peek. When I come out my bed is nice and tidy. Too bad she refuses to pick up any toys during clean up time.
We’re having the official birthday shindig this weekend. No real theme, just little girl goodness. I’m making and decorating a great big cookie cake later today.
The girls are big enough to go to the Tuesday night kids program at church now. You know what that means? Jory and I can be kid free for a whole hour and a half every week (and we don’t have to pay anyone either) sweet. Classic Café anyone?
Tomorrow is going to be an insane swirl of story hour, Alex’s class, Cathy coming and a pizza party/movie night at the church. Which means one thing: my kids won’t have time to destroy the house.
Life is good
Oh, and I gave Alex a few sentences to read for his school work yesterday. He says “Mom, these are too easy, next time give me something harder”. Famous last words.


Lora3677 said...

LOL!! I love the famous last words... good that he wants to be challenged, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Birthday cookies! I love it! The tradition lives on!
Being a grandpa is a very good job, even if my other job gets in the way WAY too often.


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