So on Friday we talked about HowlSage, one of Brock Eastman's new books. We were lucky enough to get a personal interview, and hear a little of the inside scoop behind the book.

EP: Hey again! So great to read more of your work! My son (Alex) and I both loved your recent book HowlSage. Can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book and the Sage Hunter Series in general?
BE: It was totally a God thing. I was driving to work at Focus one morning when a word came to me, HowlSage. The word spun in my mind. A sage is a magician of some sort, and the howl is the call of the wolf. In my mind, at least for the purpose of this book, magic was to be bad. It was to be an evil power sourced to demons. It seems we learn at a young age that wolves always like to ‘howl’ at the moon. So originally the phases of the moon played a much larger role in the book, but that sort of slipped away with the more action I wrote in. Still though the definition of HowlSage is Magician of the Moon. The HowlSage grows according to the moon phase and as a demon can use magic. SPOILER ALERT: The true magic of a HowlSage was never seen in the first book in Sages of Darkness. This is partially because Taylor is able to dispose of it before it's too late and the HowlSage's full magical ability comes to be. But wait for BlizzardSage and CrimsonSage.
EP: That's so darned cool. So tell us what was your favorite part of this particular book?
BE: I enjoyed writing the hunt scenes, because I like action, but my favorite to write was about the dreams and spiritual warfare. While it didn't go into the depth of theology that exists, I wanted to hint at what's going on around us in our daily lives but we often ignore.

EP: Hey again! So great to read more of your work! My son (Alex) and I both loved your recent book HowlSage. Can you tell us how you came up with the idea for this book and the Sage Hunter Series in general?
BE: It was totally a God thing. I was driving to work at Focus one morning when a word came to me, HowlSage. The word spun in my mind. A sage is a magician of some sort, and the howl is the call of the wolf. In my mind, at least for the purpose of this book, magic was to be bad. It was to be an evil power sourced to demons. It seems we learn at a young age that wolves always like to ‘howl’ at the moon. So originally the phases of the moon played a much larger role in the book, but that sort of slipped away with the more action I wrote in. Still though the definition of HowlSage is Magician of the Moon. The HowlSage grows according to the moon phase and as a demon can use magic. SPOILER ALERT: The true magic of a HowlSage was never seen in the first book in Sages of Darkness. This is partially because Taylor is able to dispose of it before it's too late and the HowlSage's full magical ability comes to be. But wait for BlizzardSage and CrimsonSage.
EP: That's so darned cool. So tell us what was your favorite part of this particular book?
BE: I enjoyed writing the hunt scenes, because I like action, but my favorite to write was about the dreams and spiritual warfare. While it didn't go into the depth of theology that exists, I wanted to hint at what's going on around us in our daily lives but we often ignore.
EP: What was the hardest (or easiest) part of this book for you to
BE: Action was the easiest. I didn't write much slash and jab in The
Quest for Truth, but I was amazed how quickly those scenes came together and
how often they popped up. Hardest...well sometimes dialogue can be tough when
trying to sound age appropriate from your characters voice and perspective, but
it can also be difficult to find the right words for your characters to say
when put in a situation.
EP: What do you do when you aren't writing?
BE: Spend time with my wonderful wife and our two sweet daughters. One thing that I don’t like about writing, is the time it takes away from my family. While I do my best to write after everyone is in bed or during nap time, it still impacts us. I also enjoy reading or spending time outdoors.
EP: What do you do when you aren't writing?
BE: Spend time with my wonderful wife and our two sweet daughters. One thing that I don’t like about writing, is the time it takes away from my family. While I do my best to write after everyone is in bed or during nap time, it still impacts us. I also enjoy reading or spending time outdoors.
EP: What can we look forward to in the future for Taylor and the other
Sage Hunters?
BE: Well it’d be wrong to give anything away…I will say we’ll meet
another, if not a few more HowlSages and some other nasty stuff might be coming
Taylor’s way too. Check out the back of HowlSage to get an idea of what
we might meet, Ike has done a great job of writing and sketching stuff for you.
EP: Well Alex and I are both hooked, and can't wait for the next
one to come out! Thanks for talking with us :)
For more information about Brock and his books check out the following:
Twitter: @BdeastmanOr read another chat we had about his last book Showdown with a Shepherd.
1 comment:
Thanks Elissa! I appreciate your support and I hope you'll enjoy BlizzardSage too!
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