It’s been a long winter, can I get an amen on that one? Here
in northern Ohio, winter has felt like an open wound that just wouldn’t heal.
Here it is late April and we’re still seeing snow in the air.
My poor little garden has had an unusually long period of
hibernation this spring. But as I watch the daffodils struggle to show their
beauty I’m reminded that once again, winter doesn’t have the final say. Winter
will eventually be conquered, and whether it likes it or not, will eventually have
to yield to spring, and the life that comes with it.

If you’ve been to my house you know that I’m a bit geeked
out about my garden. For those who haven’t to say It’s sort of obnoxiously huge
would be an understatement. Like who needs grass when you can have hostas big. I’m
willing to own the fact that the amount of time I spend tweaking my garden is
grossly disproportionate to the amount of time the average home owner spends. 2
hours a day, every day for six months sounds about right, give or take.
Before you freak out, I have a good reason. Really, I do. The
garden is my Jesus place. It’s where my soul floods and I pour out my heart to
Jesus in prayer. It’s a gift that I’ve created for my Creator. I pray that every car that drives past and
gets an eyeful of color turns their admiration not towards me, but to the One
who created me, and each of those flowers.
So the next time you drive by my house, please don’t think “wow
that lady has way too much free time on her hands” (which is probably true) or “I
wonder how much time and money that lady spent to make her garden look like
that”. Please take my garden as a reminder of who you are in Christ, and see it
the way I do, as an invitation to worship.

And if you’re local, consider this your invitation to come
and share a glass of lemonade under my mighty hundred year old oak tree when
the roses are in bloom. You won’t be disappointed, I promise…
Watch out. I might take you up on that. :)
Growing a garden is on my life goal list. My grandmother had the most beautiful flower garden that was a haven and true spot of inspiration. Love that yours is your Jesus spot!
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