Over the last few weeks we've been talking about finding God in the mundane. Today I'm so thrilled to share about God showing up in an ordinary moment of life from my blogging buddy Anne Marie Gosnell. Isn't she fabulous? Check her out.
I finished brushing my teeth, dropped the toothbrush in the holder, took one last look in the mirror, and formed the words I was going to say in my head. I walked into the living room and was justified. My son had been playing with his army men instead of putting on his soccer socks and shoes.
Exasperated, I said, "The next time you try to tell me something, I don't think I'm going to listen to you. I tell you to do something, and you ignore me. How do you think it will feel when I don't do as you ask?" Heated, I walked back into my bedroom and then the Truth hit me in the gut.
Daughter, how many times have I tried to tell you something? How many times have I tried to meet with you in the quietness and busyness of the day? And yet you do not listen to me. How many times have I answered your prayers, but they aren't answers you want to hear? And so you ignore Me. Remember the Israelites? Over and over again they did not heed My words and commands. And, unfortunately, it came to the point when I would not listen to their groanings any longer. Remember the desert? Remember the exile? Child, I want what is best for you, but you must listen. Be still, and know that I am God.I walked back into the living room. My son did manage to have one shoe on a foot and one sock on the other. Instead of being irritated, I humbly, and quietly, told my son to get his other shoe and go to the van. Mercy, grace, and discipline. None of these come cheaply. And they aren't carelessly given out. The cost was blood that was spilled over two thousand years ago. The cost was love. How can I not choose to be still and know the God who loves me? I need to listen, and I need to obey. I need to make myself quiet and cease saying prayers that only fill up the air around me. Reader, prayer is two way communication. If you don't think God is hearing you, maybe it's because you need to listen for a little while.

A beautiful reminder of the love of God and the relationship we need to have with him! Thank you!
It's amazing to me that God chooses to forgive each time even when we repeat the same sin over and over again. Think I need to run and give my own little man a hug.
It is so important to put God's grace into action in all that we do.
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I invite you to share a favorite quote, scripture, or testimony while you are there.
Have a blessed weekend.
This is a wonderful post! So many times I've seen behavior in my kids that frustrates me, only to realize that they are living out exactly how I often respond to Christ. Ouch! It's hard to see sin magnified in someone else. I remind myself that I don't just discipline, I disciple and I want to show my kids the grace that God will always bestow on them.
What a great reminder. I find so many truths about God and his relationship with us in my relationship with my children.
great reminder for us all.
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