
She writes... fiction.

So hey, I have a secret that I've avoided sharing with all of you for a while now, ready for it?

Eek. K. Here goes. I... um... I write fiction.

Whew. That was hard. You have no idea. I'll explain why later. But now that it's out in the open you can hear all about my latest project.

A friend and I have entered a fiction writing contest with a handful of other writers. For my entry I submitted a 1000 word entry based on a photo provided, to be voted on by the general public. The people with the most votes will work with an established writer (who has an arm full of books already published) on a collaborative book to be published at some later point in time.

So that's the general premise of the contest; let the contestants with the best social network win.

So here's the link with all the submissions. You're supposed to read them all and rank them. But just in case you don't have time to read ten 1,000 word entries in one setting, read my submission (# 2 The Thief in the Night) and my friend Suzanne's submission (#7, A Fight for Adenia) first.  

To vote leave a comment with the numbers you liked on the submission page (not here). As far as I can tell you can leave as many anonymous comments as you want. The contest doesn't end until the end of February, so we'll circle back to this topic a time or two before the month is over. I hope you don't mind too much.


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