
Cabin fever!

Jory and I are both feeling a touch of the cabin fever this week. Jory’s got the “I wanna ride the Harley blues” and I just want OUT. I’m tired of looking out the window and knowing it’s too cold to play outside (for wimps like me that is) why can’t it be spring?? I’m ready for flowers and green grass and the weather being warm enough that Jory can take the kids outside after dinner so I can CLEAN. I don’t think it would help me to take a trip or get out of the house, unless I was gone for about 6 weeks and I came back and everything was magically green.


Lora3677 said...

I hear ya!!! I want Spring!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's close to 50 degrees outside right now!!!!!!!!!!!! (wednesday at 2:00)


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