
Sweet Sunday.

Yesterday was one of those idyllic days. One of those days where I woke up with a smile and was still smiling when I went to bed. Here’s what it looked like:
Slept in until 7:30, woke up to the sound of the girls jumping around in their beds and giggling at each other, and Jory cooking breakfast for the whole family (bacon, eggs and biscuits – isn’t that impressive?)
We opted to skip the first church service this week – the whole attending three services each Sunday was getting a little old. So we got to take our sweet time getting ready for church instead of rushing around barking orders at each other.
Sunday school/church went smoothly. I had 11 in my Sunday school class – which is just the right amount. Despite the fact that I was short 2 adult helpers, my co-teacher and I managed just fine. Lunch found us at Panera’s with my mom (Grandma Jeep) and brother (Uncle Drew). The kids all happily munched on their bagel bites and apple pieces while I gabbed.
After lunch we came home and threw the kids in bed for a nap. I finished a scrapbook layout and Jory took a nap for most of the afternoon. Suppertime came and went. In the evening I did minimal amounts of cleaning and school with Alex (no, he doesn’t get weekends off) (I’m a pre-k tyrant). Mostly I just played with the kids and avoided responsibility like I do most weekends.
Life is good.

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