
Meet Superflame

Kids are funny right? We all know that. It’s different when they go from being funny and not knowing it, to being intentionally funny. That brings me to Superflame. Alex’s most recent alter ego. Last night while I was making dinner, he saunters into the kitchen and uses his best super hero voice to introduce himself. Slightly reminiscent of Piggin String I imagine (you’ll have to ask Jory about that one). Too danged funny. In other news, the newest season of my dancing show (So You Think You Can Dance) started, and I’m so excited. Seriously. As in, forget watching The Office reruns, I must watch this. I’m seriously obsessed with it already. I was so excited to see Benji (winner of last season) dancing with his little sister for her audition (sigh).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Superflame and his brother Dumbo....


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