
VBS day 1: done

So we have one day of vacation Bible school under our belts. Alex is in the kindergarten class, and has our dear friend Ms. Patti as a teacher (yahoo!) and I have the preschool class. I’d forgotten how fun a big ol’ group of preschooler can be. Granted we had some criers (I think 4 of the 7 cried at some point in the night) and frankly I have no patience for criers. Fortunately my co-teacher Julie was ready to jump in to comfort those less than satisfied munchkins. So the first day, which is always hectic because we don’t really know the schedule or kids yet, is done. Whew. And Julie is leading tonight, which means that I have minimal prep work to do. Double whew. (Which means I can finally get to that sticky mess of dishes sitting next to the sink – yuck.)

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