Speaking of Annie, she’s become quite the little bike rider this last week. My kids aren’t really bike riders for some reason. Alex and Louisa don’t show much interest in riding or learning to ride without training wheels. Annie on the other hand has happily left the training wheels behind and has moved on to performing little stunts as she rides.
So what else is new? Ah yes, the toads are back. Every year our yard gets inundated with little toads that are about one inch long when fully grown. This is the first year that my children have paid much attention to these little guys. So now every time we go out to play in the garden each kid comes back with a bucket with at least 10 toads in it, then they proceed to build little towns for them to live in.
We recently went to visit our friends the Alexander’s, who live in Columbus. It was good for the Mama’s to get caught up on life again. Hope taught my daughters to stand on their heads. They all played in the muddy wading pool. We planned another joint birthday party at the lake for Hope and Alex for mid-July. Good stuff.
Other than that our last week has seen a whole lot of running around to play dates and programs, with a trip to the lake thrown in for good measure.
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